Play Boy Service

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How To Join Play Boy Job Service Part Time +917986653584

In India, working as a playboy provides an original way of creating relations. The online dating market is growing every day, just like Play Boy Service. Thousands of single people join the program each day, all of them are looking for Sex, online dating, and chats. They always find their partner right here; we receive several hundred success stories a month. We are a part of the biggest online dating network and one of the best groups for singles in India. If you want to change your life for the better while still making money, you’ve come to the perfect spot. You may meet well-known women these days who are looking for satisfaction and who require people just like you! Join our Play Boy service club for free to start enjoying a life full of pleasure and satisfaction. We Have many choices for playboy services, and you have a fantastic chance to make money as a Play Boy. The Playboy services sector is rapidly growing as an independent profession in India.

अब अपने शहर में प्ले बॉय जॉब करें +917986653584

कॉल बॉय जॉब में क्या क्या होता है? कितनी वैकेंसी है? या आप कैसे हमारी प्ले बॉय सर्विस ज्वाइन कर सकते हैं यदि आप हमारे साथ जुड़कर हमारी प्ले बॉय सर्विस में काम करना चाहते हैं तो आप हमसे कस्टमर नंबर पर संपर्क करें और हमारे प्ले बॉय सर्विस को जॉइन करें| हम भारत में आंध्र प्रदेश तेलंगाना कर्नाटक, केरल, तमिलनाडु, नगालैंड, ओडिशा, उतार प्रदेश।, छत्तीसगढ, मध्य प्रदेश, मणिपुर, राजेस्थान, गुजरात, उत्तराखंड, सिक्किम, त्रिपुरा, असम, पंजाब या काफ़ी शहरों में हमारी प्ले बॉय सेवा प्रदान करवाते हैं

आपको 2 घंटे की मीटिंग के लिए 9000 रुपए मिलेंगे, 4 घंटे की मीटिंग के लिए 18000 रुपए मिलेंगे और पूरी रात की मीटिंग के लिए 35000 रुपए मिलेंगे लेकिन ये आपके फीमेल क्लाइंट पर भी डिपेंड करता है कि वो आपको कितने टाइम के लिए हायर करती है

Don’t hesitate, Make a date, You may meet your soul mate.


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Membership Information for Play Boy Jobs

To attend the meeting, you must go to the woman member’s location or home in India. You can come on business wives, millionaire’s daughters, air hostesses, and fashion models. They will also be between the ages of 21 and 45.
Every day, there is a two-hour meeting. Attending a meeting for a single day rewards you Rs 10,000.

During your meeting that day, you will have to go to the female member’s house, apartment, or bungalow and massage her body and sex pleasure.
The cost of the evening gathering is Rs 25,000. During the meeting, the female member will have the choice to go back to her house, apartment, or bungalow and have a massage and sexual satisfaction. There will be no more than three meetings in a week.
For Rs.5000, 8500, and 12000, a three-month subscription is required. This membership price is valid for one, three, or six years.
5. The first meeting will take place on the day that the fees for membership are deposited or transferred. We will hold the meeting as per your desire.
In order to feel sexually satisfied, they will want body massages. No more than three meetings are available for each.
The female member you will be meeting with will pay you; only cash is accepted.
playboy job in India You must always have the membership number that the club has issued you on your phone because the person you are meeting with needs to show you the membership number before you can

प्ले ब्वॉय सर्विस ज्वाइन करने की प्रक्रिया

  • आपको सबसे अच्छे मोबाइल फोन की सहायता से अपना एक पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो, आधार कार्ड और पैनकार्ड की एक फोटो हमें उपलब्ध करानी होगी।
  • आपको 2500 रुपये (2000 रुपये फीस + 500 रुपये जीएसटी) की प्ले बॉय सर्विस आईडी बनाने की फीस देनी होगी अभी हमारी कंपनी में ऑफर है जिसमें आपको 2000 रुपये का रुफंड कर दिया जाएगा और बाकी आपके 500 रुपये जीएसटी फीस ही लगेगी
  • इसके बाद आपका मेडिकल टेस्ट होगा जिसमें हम ये सुनिचित करेंगे कि आपको किसी भी तरह की कोई यौन बीमारी तो नहीं है

हम हमारे ग्राहक और हमारे कर्मचारी की पहचान गुप्त रखते हैं।

प्ले बॉय सर्विस आईडी बनाने की फीस : 1550 रुपये (1050 रुपये फीस + 500 रुपये जीएसटी)

ज्वाइनिंग शुल्क 1550 (1050 रुपये शुल्क + 500 जीएसटी), 1050 रिफंड पर सीमित समय का ऑफर


 playboy Service job in India 60% of member upgrades and more than 30% of membership renewals promise 100% customer satisfaction. We never disclose who you are; according to our privacy policy, we are responsible for maintaining your confidentiality.

Fully Safe Signup Play Boy Jobs in India’s Play Boy Job Service Departments

Complete Friendships Contentment

Complete Confidentiality Maintained by Us

Received the call at the preferred time.

Our top priority is your satisfaction.

प्ले बॉय सर्विस जॉब वेतन

आज हमारे साथ 10000 प्लस प्ले बॉय काम कर रहा है। जो अपने काम से हमारी महिला ग्राहक को खुश करके 1 लाख प्रति माह कमा रहा है।
आप भी हमारे साथ जुड़कर प्रति माह 70 हजार से 80 हजार तक कमा सकते हैं। आज आपको डरने की जरूरत नहीं है आज ही आप हमारे कस्टमर सर्विस से बात करें या अपने प्ले बॉय सर्विस आईडी बनवाएं कर हमारे साथ जुड़ जाएं

प्ले बॉय बनने के लिए व्हाट्सएप करें

मनी, फन और हाई क्लास फीमेल के साथ सेक्स के मजे लेने के लिए उनसे बात करने के लिए आज ही हमारी प्ले बॉय सर्विस को जिओन करे। आप हम से व्हाट्सएप के जरिए सीधे जुड़ सकते हैं।  हम हमारे ग्राहक और हमारे कर्मचारी की पहचान गुप्त रखते हैं।  हम आज भारत के हर बड़े शहर में हमरे प्ले बॉय सर्विस प्रोवाइड करवाते हैं। इसलिए हमें प्लेबॉयज़ की जरूरत हमेशा होती है।  इसलिए जो भी बॉय प्ले बॉय बनना चाहता है वो आज ही हमसे हमारे व्हाट्सएप नंबर पर संपर्क करे। या हमरे साथ जुड़कर लाखो में प्रति माह रुपया कमाए

Eligibility for Playboy Job


The Play Boy must speak English or Hindi.

The ideal Call Boy will be polite and well-mannered.

The Male Play Boy must dress appropriately for the occasion.

The applicant must be tidy and sanitary.

Applicants cannot be addicted to alcohol or drugs.

The applicant cannot be harmed by S.T.D.

What is Play Boy Service and what jobs do they offer?

In India, the man who talked with a woman under the pretense of money was known for escorting other men, or callBoy . This usually happens at resorts with well-known names, such as hotels, nightclubs, and resorts. In India’s larger cities, Play Boys, or male escort Service, are a common appearance. In most cities, Play Boy Job is legalized to allow people to have a pleasurable satisfying time. Call us right now to secure a male escort. We help girls who can afford to pay a reasonable fee to hire a really attractive (average Man) man. Since this is a highly desirable location, we do not hire people who are engaged in illegal activity or who are low-quality consumers. The playBoy from us are strong and long-lasting. Each participant had a battery of laboratory tests in addition to multiple physical and psychological examinations. They are unconnected to minorities or trafficking, and they have no past in court. For our clients, we give privacy and security protocols a lot of attention. We genuinely value everyone’s private life and make sure that it does not interfere with anyone’s life. Our clients are successful businesswomen and healthy women.

Frequently Asked Questions

This may be a chance to enter the profitable and oftentimes fascinating world of the straight male escort industry. You will profit financially from working as a Playboy in addition to all the potential contacts and connections you will create by working in these powerful sectors. The female customers on this section of the website, who occasionally require the company of a charming,

Maybe you feel that there aren't enough opportunities for you to meet interesting new men, or maybe you're short on time for your playboy work. We can provide you with that opportunity. What makes a man a friend? Maybe you're not yet ready to give a man your whole attention in a committed relationship. Come join us for companionship from like-minded men.

Locate Play Boy Jobs in India. The Playboy Employment Agency. Examine more than 1500 current, available positions. competitive salary range. part-time, temporary, and full-time work. Swift and Excellent. Best Play Boy Jobs Available in India. It's easy to find Play Boy Job Assistance. Start your new job right now!

if you are interested then whatsapp me your details +917986653584

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